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Northumberland Schools and Anti-Litter Committee awarded grant for tire amnesty event

The new Northumberland County Anti-Litter Committee has hit the ground running with several initiatives. Northumberland Public Schools secured a $4,800 grant from the River Counties Community Foundation for a Tire Disposal Project proposed by the committee to be scheduled for this fall.

Of all the trash recovered during NAPS' creek and roadside cleanup events, tires pose a special problem – they cannot be thrown out with the trash. You must take them to a tire shop or tire recycling center and pay up to $4 per tire. “Now there is a solution,” said Shauna McCranie who applied for the grant on behalf of the schools. The tire amnesty event will allow residents to dispose of tires free of charge. Volunteers will earn community service hours, a free lunch and a t-shirt. McCranie expects many students will volunteer for the event, along with NAPS and other citizens & groups.

The Anti-Litter Committee also submitted a grant proposal for a “Cover Your Load” campaign, according to Mary Martha Stewart, president of the committee. “Seems like most people think the ordinance is just for commercial vehicles” said Stewart. So be sure to check the bed of your pickup to make sure nothing can “jump” out during your travels.

The committee is also gearing up to expand the Adopt-a-Highway program, hoping to find new individuals and groups to adopt a total of 56 miles of roadway in the county. “We will be giving away starter kits to those who adopt” including grabbers, gloves, vests and other items, said Stewart. Please adopt a couple miles of roadway. Not only will it make our county more beautiful, it keeps our creeks clean and mitigates flooding. To sign up, or for more information, contact Stacy Messenger at 804-333-7930 or email

NAPS' Holly Hartung returns to land base with her "catch" of a discarded tire and other trash during the NAPS Creek Cleanup of the Coan River and tributaries, Oct. 3, 2021.



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