Forest Clear-Cutting to be Discussed at NAPS Special Program, Sun. Aug. 21 in Heathsville and online
The Northumberland Association for Progressive Stewardship (NAPS) is hosting a Special Program on Forest Clear-Cutting, Sunday, August 21, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Tavern Meeting Building at Rice’s Hotel/Hughletts Tavern in Heathsville (73 Monument Pl.). The program with be directly followed by NAPS Annual Meeting and election of new members of the Board of Directors. The program is free and open to the public. A Zoom meeting will be set up for those who cannot or would rather not attend in person – send an email to to have the link sent to you before the meeting.
With all the recent timber clear-cutting in the area, residents and visitors have been complaining about the devastated views and concerned about the environmental impact. Understanding that timber is a main agricultural industry in Northumberland County, the Special Program will feature Nelson Hillyer of the Virginia Dept. of Forestry to help us understand timber harvest regulations, enforcement and best practices. A question & answer session will follow the presentation.
Directly after the program, NAPS will hold its Annual Meeting and election of new members of the Board of Directors (see related article for bios of three nominees and how you can vote if you cannot attend the meeting). Nominations are still open. Email nominations to as soon as possible. Members can also attend the Annual Meeting remotely – send an email to to have the link sent to you before the meeting.
If you can help set up or clean up, please email or call or message Mike Ahart at 313-0274.