Potable Water in Northern Neck Seminar, RCC, Aug. 30

The Environmental Sustainability Committee at Rappahannock Community College, in cooperation with the Math and Science Club, is hosting a seminar on Wednesday, August 30, at 12:25 - 1:25 pm in the lecture halls of Warsaw Campus and Glenns Campus. Dr. Lynton Stuart Land will present “Potable Water in the Northern Neck.”
Dr. Land’s major scientific interests include the quantity and quality of groundwater, especially the concentration of nitrate in shallow groundwater and its discharge to tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, oyster gardening, shoreline erosion control and all scientifically based Bay-related issues, especially those with an educational component.
Dr. Lynton S. Land received his undergraduate degree in geology from the Johns Hopkins University and his PhD from Lehigh University. He was a faculty member at the University of Texas, Austin, for 3 decades and retired from the Edwin Allday Centennial Chair in Subsurface Geology. He has over 135 scientific publications and awards for his research. On retiring to Ophelia in 1998, Dr. Land has been active in NAPS (Northumberland Association for Progressive Stewardship) and TOGA (Tidewater Oyster Gardeners Association) and in educating citizens about Chesapeake Bay and groundwater. He grows seed oysters commercially.
This should be an interesting talk, relating not just to residents of the Northern Neck, but to all of us in the RCC service region. The seminar is open to the public. Please invite your friends and neighbors. Please especially encourage students to attend.
I hope to see you there. Thank you.