SeaPerch Update: Northumberland Teams to compete Apr. 1 in Fredericksburg

Northumberland schools have four SeaPerch teams competing at University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg on April 1, 2017.
SeaPerch is an innovative underwater robotics program challenging students to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) from low-cost, easily accessible parts. The SeaPerch Challenge changes each year, and requires different specifications for an ROV to be able to complete specific tasks.
7th-Graders Channing Reynolds & Luke Swann are the captains of "Team Poseidon" – one of the teams competing at UMW (see photo). Luke was one of the students who competed in the National SeaPerch Challenge at Louisiana State University last year – NAPS is proud to have helped sponsor the trip.
Team Poseidon's "Engineering Notebook" shows all the steps and trials in designing, building and testing their ROV.
NAPS wishes the best of luck to Channing & Luke, and the other Northumberland teams competing tomorrow.