Vision 2048: Northumberland County and Northern Neck
In 2048 Northumberland County will be 400 years old. To look ahead, NAPS is teaming-up with Shauna McCranie of the Northumberland Public Schools, including the Middle School “Community Problem Solvers” and “Talented and Gifted” group of students, in writing a Journal-like document for the NAPS membership, the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission. In this document we will present our vision of what the County would be like in 32 years – or 2048. We have developed a shopping list outline that is currently being reviewed by the students and members of the NAPS Board to identify areas of interest. Typical areas include renewable energy, Bay biota, demographics, fresh water status, education changes, botany, health and the like.
We are using Google Docs as our platform so that all involved may track and comment on the various sections as they are developed. Our plan is to complete the writing and editing by next May and publish in June 2017. NAPS members interested in participating should contact Greg Haugan at or Shauna McCranie at for further information.