Students Launch School Courtyard Beautification Project
When students at Northumberland Middle School walk into their courtyard now, they enter a place of pride. The bare space was once devoid...
NMS SeaPerch Team Wins Regional, Invited to National Competition
For the second year in a row, Northumberland Middle School (NMS) participated in a robotics project called SeaPerch (led by Mrs. Shauna...
How to Solve Tangier’s 'Crisis’
With a blend of science and emotion, students from the 7th Grade Community Problem Solvers, representing Northumberland Middle School,...
NAPS to Present “Tangier in Crisis” Program
The Northumberland Assn. for Progressive Stewardship (NAPS) will present a special program, “Tangier in Crisis,” dealing with the unique...
NAPS Sponsors Student Eco-Tour
On October 6, NAPS sponsored Northumberland’s seventh and eighth grade Talented and Gifted students on a Chesapeake Bay Eco-Tour...
Vision 2048 and Northumberland Middle School
NAPS is planning on putting out another version of its very successful NAPS Stewardship Journal. The previous edition had two articles on...
Middle School Scores at National SeaPerch Challenge
Two Northumberland Middle School students, Luke Swann and Chase Kitchen, competed in the National SeaPerch Challenge at Louisiana State...
Northumberland Team Eco visits with crew of Hôkûle’a on Tangier Island
A team of 14 sixth-graders trying to help raise awareness about Tangier Island’s struggle with climate change traveled to the island in...
Middle Schoolers Shine at NAPS Annual Meeting
A group of Northumberland Middle School students and Shauna McCranie, Coordinator of Gifted Services, showed their completed robots for...