NAPS Promotes Project-Based Learning With Makerspace Sponsorship
Funding from NAPS has enabled the Northumberland Middle School to acquire a variety of materials for the Library Media Center “Think...
NAPS Out and About: Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar
Saturday's 26th Annual Gardening in the Northern Neck Seminar in White Stone was a great success and sold out, as usual – and NAPS thanks...
Citizens Learn About “Solar in Northumberland” at NAPS Symposium and Annual Meeting
(6th-Grade Community Problem Solver Tre Booth describes the solar farm that is projected to save Middlesex County schools $2.6 Million...
Sixth-Grade Problem Solvers Propose Solar For Northumberland County Schools
Click/tap images above to launch slideshow Northumberland schools will soon be going solar, if a group of ambitious sixth-graders can...
Shauna McCranie Named Outstanding Teacher
Congratulations to NAPS Board member and Northumberland County Schools Talented and Gifted Coordinator, Shauna McCranie, for being named...
Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act Introduced in US Senate and House
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) introduced the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act Tuesday (Dec. 18, 2018), the...
Jack Moore Honored with 2018 Distinguished Citizen Award at NAPS Fall Social
Photo: NAPS president Mike Ahart (left) presents the Northumberland Distinguished Citizen Award to Jack Moore. NAPS presented the 2018...
NAPS Urges Virginians to Vote “No” on Ballot Question #1
Dear Virginia voter, The Nov. 6 Virginia election ballot contains two statewide ballot initiatives. Question #1 asks: “Should a county,...
NAPS Launches Flotilla for Creek and Bay Cleanup (w/slideshow)
With clear skies and calm seas, 50 student and adult volunteers participated in the 2018 NAPS Creek Cleanup on Sunday, September 30....
Four Northern Neck Homes to Participate in the 2018 National Solar Open House Tour - Oct. 6-7
On October 6 & 7, four homes in the Northern Neck of Virginia are holding an open house as part of the National Solar Tour organized by...